Four Reviews (and a Sale!)

Oh what a week! This working while marketing Jolly Rover thing is really taking 120% out of me. It’ been great learning experience though, I must admit I understimated the effort it would require to market Jolly Rover by about 50%. Thinking I could just market Jolly Rover part time was a bit of an understimate.

But the result of that hard work is paying off, with great reviews such as those done by Adventure Island (7/10), DIY GamerAusGamers (7.7/10) and the MX Newspaper (3/5) (Thanks to Barbara Kerr for this photo!).

So, Jolly Rover has been out a month now and I’m running the first ever Jolly Rover sale! This sale is exclusive to people who have signed up on the mailing list (eyes left), are following brawsome on twitter or a fan Jolly Rover on facebook. On July 24 I’ll be sending out a discount code to anyone on the aforementioned services that will allow them to purchase a Steam Key direct from Brawsome at a 50% discount between July 25-26, let’s call it “Jolly Christmas”. Copies aren’t limited per user, so if you’ve already bought Jolly Rover you can still give the gift of adventure gaming this Jolly Christmas.

About Andrew

I do all the boring stuff that's gotta be done so I get to do fun stuff sometimes.
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