Oh, What a Weekend

Well, GDC has finished for the week, sending our collective marble back to the apartment for an exciting weekend involving high fructose corn syrup and clam chowder. We certainly can’t argue that it wasn’t productive. Well, we can, but I suppose we’d be lying a bit, because it was. Amongst the press we got to meet were the folks from Macworld and Touch Arcade, who each did a small piece on us, so thanks for that guys. We’re looking forward to getting back home though, because despite what our family and friends think when we say “overseas trip”, we didn’t spend our time riding the cable car and purchasing Golden Gate Bridge magnets.

The trip home starts again soon, and then when we get back, we attempt to recover from jetlag and dive back into the swirly whirlpool of development. Thanks again to all the great people we met at GDC, whether it be press, publisher, or those awesome DigiPen students who played “Guess what country we’re from” with us so sportingly (hint: the answer was Australia).

About Ben

Patching the holes, filling the gaps, and helping out when it's needed.
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One Response to Oh, What a Weekend

  1. Rusty says:

    Bridge magnets?

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